
Vehicle subject to rental under the Short Term Lease Agreement. The Vehicle is chosen by Beneficiary of the Vehicles available for hire within the selected category at the time of signing the Lease Agreement and its characteristics will be mentioned in the Lease Agreement

User (of the Vehicle):

Person authorized by the Beneficiary to use the Vehicle or any other person using the Vehicle while the Vehicle is in the possession of the Beneficiary.

Delivery Receipt Protocol:

Before the Vehicle is ready for delivery, the Provider will contact the Beneficiarul o determine the details of the Car delivery. Deliveries are based on a delivery-receipt (“Minutes of Teaching” – Appendix 1).

Return Receipt Protocol:

At the end of the period of use, the vehicle must be returned to the state in which it was taken, except for normal wear and tear according to age and mileage. The difference between the state of the vehicle from the time of pick-up and that of the delivery of the vehicle is mentioned in Appendix 2 (Delivery Receipt Protocol), including any other wear or damage that did not exist at the moment of delivery of the vehicle.


The monthly amount payed to the Provider by the Beneficiary for the rental of Motor Vehicles, as specified in the Rental Agreement.


The mandatory fee charged to the Beneficiarului when signing the Rental Agreement that will be blocked by the Provider and will be returned to the Beneficiary upon return of the vehicle, after signing theDelivery Receipt Protocol.

Rent period:

Perioada de timp în care Autovehiculul este închiriat cătrethe Beneficiary, astfel cum aceasta va fi indicată prezentul Contract de Inchiriere. Această perioadă nu va fi mai scurtă de 1 zi (24h) și nu va depăși 12 luni.

Return Receipt Protocol:

Upon returning the Vehicle, the content of the Minutes of Delivery is compared by the Provider with the Vehicle condition upon restitution, and the result will be recorded in a return report  (Delivery Receipt Protocol– Appendix 2), which will be signed by the Beneficiary.